COMMUNICATING DOORS by Alan Ayckbourn, Hedgerow Theatre
Scenic design: Zoran Kovcic
Costume design: Cathie Miglionico
Lighting design: Jared Reed
Sound design: John Tiedeck
Cast: Kyra Baker, Zoran Kovcic, Mary Beth Shrader, Stacy Skinner, Brock D. Vickers, Shaun Yates
"a rousing rendition"
"Director Castellan has paced his production well. COMMUNICATING DOORS is a delicate balancing act between farce and thriller, and Castellan never tips the scales too far in one direction."
"a terrific production"
"Castellan keeps things taut and tense"
"Castellan and his cast are to be cheered for the clarity andurgency they give each revelation and ensuing dilemma in playwright’s adeptly woven story"
"Liam Castellan has fashioned a delightful yet tension-fraught production that shrewdly brings out all that Ayckbourn packs into his play. The suspense is particularly tickling, and there are moments when it percolates to a point of being enjoyably unbearable."